The Service Worker Reproductive Access Care Fund

Tipped workers, hospitality workers, and other service workers were already struggling with the lowest wages of any industry, and the majority are uninsured and without access to quality healthcare. In this crisis, they will be the most impacted, and the least able to travel to access much-needed abortion care. We can make a difference together by providing every restaurant worker in the country the education and means to avoid unplanned pregnancy, and basic preventive medical care to keep them healthy.

Donate Now

Your generosity can immediately help a service worker access reproductive health care during this crisis.  Tipped workers and other service workers are disproportionately women of color who cannot afford the cost of travel to other states to access reproductive health care, cannot leave their families for the duration often required, and cannot afford the cost of care. They need immediate support, please give what you can! 

Connect With Us

We are trying to provide other services you might find useful in this crisis including a legal clinic on accessing unemployment benefits, workshops on taxes and financial management, and of course regular advocacy sessions to push for the wage and benefit reforms that would help you the most! 

So please join the group and connect with other service workers who are in the same boat — so we can stop us all from sinking! 

Fight For A Fair Wage

Seven states have already moved to One Fair Wage, plus tips on top, for all workers. And they’ve seen their restaurant industries grow while worker poverty and sexual harassment has declined. We need 43 states to join them. Lend your voice and help fight.